
What is content repurposing and how can it boost your online presence?

By | November 16, 2023

When it comes to maximising your online reach, creating high-quality content is a crucial component of any successful digital strategy. Whether you’re a blogger, a business owner, or a content creator, you’ve likely spent countless hours crafting blog posts, producing videos, and sharing content on social media. 

But what if there was a way to maximise the value of your existing content without starting from scratch? Enter content repurposing, a powerful technique that can elevate your online presence and drive more engagement, simply by tweaking your existing content rather than rewriting it completely. 


What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing, also known as repurposing content, is the process of taking existing content and adapting it into different formats for different platforms. This strategy allows you to breathe new life into your old content, reach a broader audience, and make the most out of your valuable content assets. 

Content repurposing is not about duplicating content but rather reimagining it to cater to different audience segments and consumption preferences.

Repurposing blog content

One of the most common forms of content repurposing is taking blog posts and transforming them into various other formats. If you’ve spent time crafting informative and engaging blog articles, you can repurpose that content into different mediums to increase your reach. 


Turn your blog’s key points and statistics into visually appealing infographics. Infographics are highly shareable on social media platforms, and they can help you convey complex information in a more digestible manner, helping you reach new target audiences.


Consider recording an audio version of your blog posts. This allows your audience to consume your content on the go, expanding your reach to those who prefer audio content.


Create short videos summarising the main takeaways from your blog posts. Video content is immensely popular and can be shared on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram to reach a wider audience.

eBooks or guides

Compile several related blog posts into comprehensive ebooks or guides. These can serve as valuable lead magnets or resources for your audience.

Repurposing video content

If you’re a content creator who specialises in video, repurposing can still play a pivotal role in your online strategy.

Transcripts and blog posts

Transcribe your video content and use it as the foundation for blog posts or articles. This not only caters to readers who prefer text-based content but also boosts your website’s SEO by targeting keywords related to your business, services, or products.

Clips and teasers

Extract short clips or teaser videos from your longer video content. These can be shared on social media platforms to pique interest and drive traffic to your full videos.

Webinars and workshops

Turn your video content into webinars or workshops, allowing you to engage with your audience in real-time, establishing your expertise on a particular topic.

Repurposing content for social media 

Social media is a vital channel for reaching your audience and driving engagement. Repurposing your content for social media can save time and increase your visibility.

Snippets and quotes

Extract compelling quotes or snippets from your blog posts, videos, or podcasts and share them as standalone posts on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Visual content 

Convert your content into visually appealing graphics, memes, or slideshows for platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Visual content tends to grab more attention.

Behind-the-scenes content 

Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your content creation process. This humanises your brand and fosters a deeper connection with your audience.


What is the benefit of repurposing content?

There’s no denying that crafting high-quality, compelling content requires a lot of time and effort. Making minimal changes to your existing content is a game changer when it comes to boosting your online presence with minimal effort. 

Maximises content ROI

Creating high-quality content requires time and effort. By repurposing your content, you can get more mileage out of your initial investment. One piece of content can be repurposed into multiple formats and shared on different platforms, ensuring that it continues to generate value over time.

Expands your audience reach

Not everyone consumes content in the same way. Some prefer reading articles, while others prefer watching videos or listening to podcasts. By repurposing your content into various formats, you can cater to different audience segments and attract new followers who may have otherwise overlooked your content.

Boosts SEO and website traffic

Repurposing content into blog posts with optimised keywords can improve your website’s search engine ranking. When people search for relevant topics, your repurposed content may show up in search results, driving organic traffic to your site.

Enhances social media engagement

Consistently sharing repurposed content on social media keeps your profiles active and engaging. It also allows you to maintain a consistent posting schedule, which is essential for building a loyal social media following.

Positions you as an expert

Repurposing content across multiple platforms reinforces your authority on a particular subject. When your audience sees your content consistently across various channels, it reinforces your expertise and credibility in your niche.

Saves time and resources

Creating new content from scratch can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Repurposing content is a more efficient way to maintain a consistent online presence without constantly churning out new material.


High-quality, compelling content from NMG 

At Narwhal Media Group, we know that high-quality content isn’t just about stuffing unnecessary keywords into your text — it’s about creating first-rate copy that attracts visitors to your site and keeps them there. 

We can create engaging blog posts, web copy, and everything in between. If you’re just looking for ways to refresh your existing content or think your copy could do with some optimising —- we’ve got you covered. 

From our content and copywriting services to SEO, PPC, and digital marketing from our agency side of things, we’ve got all the tools your business needs to thrive.

Get in touch with us to find out more today. 


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